EP 287: The Alpine Supply Chain Solutions Experience
Episode 287 – The Alpine Supply Chain Solutions Experience

On this episode I was joined by Mark Zabloudil and Matt Warner representing Alpine Supply Chain Solutions as their customers. Mark is the COO at MJ Holding Company and Matt is the COO at Monat Global and they both joined me at MODEX 2022 to discuss their experiences with Alpine Supply Chain Solutions as their customers. We discuss why their companies needed Alpine Supply Chain Solutions help and how they were able to optimize their distribution footprint with their guidance.
Key Takeaways
- Alpine Supply Chain Solutions provides solutions and consulting services that help you optimize your operation and deliver maximum value to your customers. Both Monat Global and MJ Holding Company were in similar positions before they got to Alpine. They both were facing rapid growth with the pandemic fueling a lot of it. Alpine was able to help them understand the space that they had and then optimize their distribution footprint so they could not only keep up with their current demand but also grow into future demand.
- In MJ Holding’s case they were looking at highly increased demand due to the renewed interest in trading cards like sports cards and Pokemon cards during the pandemic. They also faced the challenge of having multiple different product profiles where the trading card side of the business had a somewhat regular cadence they also have a toy side that is more of an impulse buy so there is a lot of fluctuation in demand. Alpine Supply Chain Solutions helped them to understand how they could better slot their products and bring in different storage solutions to optimize their space and give them the most flexibility to move product around.
- For Monat Global they also saw a large spike during the pandemic due to their e-commerce based business which distributes skincare product via ambassadors which mostly sell and market through social media. Their challenge was matching this demand with their capacity so they could get the orders out within 24 hours and have them delivered to customers at the service levels they were expecting. Alpine helped them to realize their space constraints by analyzing their data and then helping them to understand how much space they actually needed for now and future growth. Through this analysis they were able to help them determine they should do a two phase project with one distribution point servicing international customers and the other serving the United States. Additionally, they helped them maximize their space by recommending different storage solutions that helped them to almost double the amount of pallet spaces they would have put in on their own.
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EP 306: Veryable at MODEX 2022 » The New Warehouse
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