EP 39: An Interview with Shreya Jain
Episode 39 – Shreya Jain of Liberty Hardware

On this week’s episode, I am joined by Shreya Jain who is an Operations Planner for Liberty Hardware. I had the pleasure of meeting Shreya on my trip to the most recent ASCM conference in Las Vegas and we ended up connecting through the ASCM app and meeting up to discuss the topic of slotting. You may remember Episode 26 where I discussed slotting, which is initially why Shreya reached out.
I brought Shreya on the show to get her perspective on a few different things in the industry. Like myself, she is a young professional in the industry and I wanted to get her perspective on where the industry is at and what the future looks like in her eyes. We also discussed the slotting process at her operation and how they went about doing a continuous improvement project to make it happen. We also dove into APICS and ASCM as we are both board members in our respective chapters.
Key Takeaways
Shreya’s operation has created a funnel for any employee in the building to submit an idea for continuous improvement. The funnel is then maintained by her and tracks the ideas so that the employee knows that their idea is being heard. Not all ideas are executed upon but they ensure that each employee understands why or why not their idea will be executed. I absolutely love this and I think that it is a great takeaway of how you can empower your employees.
For young professionals and students looking for a career in supply chain, there are a lot of good insights into what a role like Shreya’s involves which is a lot. She also gives a great tip at the end on her recommendation for current students.
Our slotting discussion is a great example of how an operation can benefit from having an ongoing slotting process. She details how her operation went about putting their slotting process into place and how they saw immediate benefits. There is really a lot of great points here and is a must listen if you are looking to improve your slotting process or get one started.
Check out the episode below and let us know what you think in the comments.
To connect with Shreya, find her on LinedIn here.
You could explain well about your job and use of supply chain management skills in day to day affairs and for improving productivity