Episode 25 – Gabe Grifoni of Rufus Labs
Episode 25 – Gabe Grifoni of Rufus Labs

On this episode of The New Warehouse Podcast I had the opportunity to talk to Gabe Grifoni of Rufus Labs.We discuss wearable technologies offered by Rufus Labs, their unique business model and the connected operator.
About Rufus
Rufus creates a full wearable technology suite to help order fulfillment operations fulfill faster and more accurately. Their hardware is designed and made by them based off what they have heard the needs are from people doing the job. They also have their own software that helps to empower the employee to be more productive and enjoy their job. On the supervisor side they provide an incredibly comprehensive dashboard which gives great detail on current and historical productivity.
Key Takeaways
One of the biggest things that grabbed my attention about Rufus is their business model. Instead of the customer having to purchase all of the equipment in full they work off a subscription model. This allows incredible flexibility for an operation because the investment is smaller and as technology gets upgraded Rufus swaps out the units for the latest devices without any additional investment. From a software standpoint the customer also gets all of the updates that are pushed out to them.
From a software standpoint, Rufus has their own platform which runs on Android. This adapts to any system you may be currently running as an add on so no need to go through a software conversion.
The platform is very flexible allowing for different apps to also be added including one application where a customer added Spotify for their employees to listen to music while they pick. It also allows for communications to be sent directly to the device of a specific user so if you want them to pick a certain order or go somewhere you can easily send them a message.
Overall, the conversation was really an interesting discussion on their company and the idea of a connected operator which they are helping to make a reality through their wearable technology and help to make more prevalent in the coming years.
Listen to the episode below and let me know your thoughts in the comments. You can also check out some videos of how the technology works below.
Rufus Promo w Music from rufuslabs on Vimeo.
WorkHero Dashboard Video from rufuslabs on Vimeo.
EP 137: Rufus Labs Update » The New Warehouse
[…] I caught up with the CEO and co-founder of Rufus Labs, Gabe Grifoni. I last spoke with Gabe back on Episode 25 where we discussed how their solution works and the connected worker. On the newest episode we […]