Episode 22 – An Interview with Sam Bacha
Episode 22 – Sam Bacha of Freight Trust

In Episode 22 of The New Warehouse Podcast I got to discuss block chain which is something I was not quite familiar with before the show. I spoke with Sam Bacha who is the CEO and co-founder of Freight Trust. Freight Trust provides fully digitized shipping documents to help streamline your supply chain operation and give you real time tracking. Digitization is something we discussed being a larger part of the future of supply chain with Tim Wills in Episode 19 and Freight Trust is delivering it for one part of the supply chain.
Freight Trust provides its service by utilizing block chain technology which helps to provide the trusted documents to each party involved in the shipping transaction. Sam discussed with me how Freight Trust simplifies shipping documents through the use of block chain and also what other applications block chain can be used for in supply chain operations. One of the most interesting was the potential of having autonomous trucks have an electronic wallet to speed up the payment process. While block chain is still an evolving technology, Sam mentions just how rapidly it is evolving and becoming more user friendly. I am happy to have had Sam on and learn more about block chain myself. I hope that this can give you some insight into this evolving technology.
Listen to Episode 22 below and check out some screenshots of the Freight Trust platform. Also, be sure to listen and read below for how you can get 25% off Freight Trust.
To receive 25% off Freight Trust just mention “The New Warehouse” when contacting Freight Trust here.
Have some further insights on block chain in our industry? Leave them in the comments below.