EP 04 An Interview with Claudia Monte
Episode 05 – Claudia Monte of CAM Consulting Group

This week I have Claudia Monte of CAM Consulting Group on the podcast. Claudia is also my mother! Happy to have her on to talk about her experiences in the HR training world. She just had her 25 year anniversary with her consulting company and over those 25 years she has done a lot of training to all levels of employees in all different types of environments including distribution centers.
On this episode we discuss the value of your people in terms of learning, developing and training on all levels. Check it out below!
More info on today’s guest:
Claudia Monte is principal and consultant with CAM Consulting Group LLC, a full-service HR consulting and training firm, which she founded in 1993. She has extensive experience nationally as a speaker, trainer, coach, and consultant for diverse clients in the private and public sectors. Her firm provides comprehensive, virtual HR support as a strategic, collaborative business partner with a full range of HR services and knowledge learning. As a coach, she specializes in helping individuals strengthen their Emotional Intelligence (EI) in the various facets of their personal and professional lives. You may contact her at cmonte@cam4consulting.com or through www.cam4consulting.com.