EP 64: PERC at
Episode 64 -PERC at MODEX 2020

On this episode, I am joined by Jeremy Wishart who represents The Propane Education & Research Council also known as PERC for short. Jeremy is the Director of Off-Road Business Development for PERC which means that he works with all propane powered vehicles that do not go on the road so in our case, forklifts. We discuss what PERC does, how they are working towards emission reductions, safety with propane and the viability of propane as a fuel option.
Key Takeaways
- The Propane Education & Research Council deals with everything propane. They invest in technology surrounding propane to help the use of this fuel to progress in the industry, provide education on propane and also provide safety guidelines for those using propane.
- With about 500,000 forklifts in the industry currently being powered by propane it is important to advance the technology and continue to create awareness.
- Some of the technology that PERC was demonstrating at MODEX was a company that is providing a solution that lowers emissions which is a big step in creating better indoor air quality. They are also looking into hybrid drive technology where the propane will generate power to recharge batteries reducing the need for plugging in a machine.
- Safety is a big part of what PERC provides to the market. Jeremy discusses how safe propane tanks are with strong walls that keep from being punctured. Additionally, the ease of swapping propane cylinders creates additional safety measures as it does not need to be refueled by the operator and is an easy swap.
- PERC continues to work towards creating awareness of propane and helps to continue the growth of the propane usage in our industry.
Listen to and watch my discussion with Jeremy below. Are you currently using propane in your facility? Let us know your experience in the comments.