EP 43: 2019 Year End Recap
Episode 43 – 2019 Year End Recap

With 2019 coming to a close last year and it being the first year for The New Warehouse, this week we take a look at some of my favorite clips from 2019’s episodes. I have covered many topics over the past year so it was difficult to choose but as I think back on my discussions these were some of the things that stood out to me the most.
This episode features clips from Episode 1, Episode 7, Episode 25, Episode 32, Episode 36 and Episode 38. These clips cover everything from optimization before automation, subscription based hardware models, wireless charging and more. What was your favorite episode so far? Leave a comment below.
Thank you thank you!
I want to say THANK YOU to everyone that has listened to the podcast and found some value in it. I started this because I could not find anything like it and I am happy that it fills a need in the industry. I really appreciate you and I am excited to provide more value to you in this new year. If there is anything that you would like to hear about on the show or if you would like to be a guest then email me at kevin@thenewwarehouse.com. Happy to hear your feedback and thoughts on what you would like to hear on the podcast in the future.
So what does 2020 look like for The New Warehouse?
- First up, next week I will be at NRF on Sunday to check out some friends of the show and some others as well so if you are going to be there feel free to reach out so we can connect.
- Of course there are some great episodes coming up and some potential series as well.
- MODEX 2020 is in March and we will have a big presence there with a booth on the floor where we will be setup interviewing right there for the podcast. If you are interested in being a guest on the podcast at MODEX you can setup a time here.
- SEE Conference will be the same week as MODEX and I will be trying to make it there for the last day as it is going to be a really exciting event which I discussed with Lora Steele in Episode 29
- Manhattan Associate’s Momentum will be in May and we will be there doing some coverage as well. We also will have a few podcast episodes with representative’s of Manhattan coming soon.
- After that? You tell me! Where should I go? What do you want to see coverage of?
Take a listen to the recap below and let me know your thoughts in the comments. Thank you for being a part of The New Warehouse!