EP13 – Joni Holeman of Supply Chain Mavens
Episode 13 – Joni Holeman of Supply Chain Mavens

This week for episode 14 of The New Warehouse Podcast I am sharing my discussion with Joni Holeman of Supply Chain Mavens.
I met Joni while she was assisting her partner in crime and fellow maven, Maryanne Ross, as they taught an ASCM workshop called Principles of Inventory Accuracy that I attended in March. They both were amazing in the class and I knew that I wanted to get them on the podcast to share their story and insights with you. The Mavens provided an unbelievable energy and brought a ton of fun to the class which made learning the subject matter a really enjoyable experience. As you may know, my background is heavily in inventory control and they are big time into inventory control so it was great to be able to share experiences with them and get advice from them on current problems as well.
Joni tells me about how she got to where she is in her career and how she found her passion. It is a great story about how she had a desire to learn more and she found a way to learn what she needed to in order to overcome issues at work and accomplish tasks that were set for her. A lot can be learned from her not only about inventory control but also about finding your way in your career. She also gave some great insight on APICS certifications and how they can help you in your career and also learn more about specific topics.
I would highly recommend taking a class with the Supply Chain Mavens or hiring them to do a training at your company. For more information contact them here.